Mastering the Korean TOPIK


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lessson 5 - Object Particle 를/을

The object particle, 를/을, is hooked up to associate object that verbs describe.

Here ar example sentences:

    나는 라면을 먹었다 = I Ate noodles [Literally, noodles을 ate]
    책을 읽었다 = scan a book
    콜라를 마셨다 = drank coke
    TV를 봤다 = watched TV
    옷을 입었다 = wore garments
    집을 지었다 = engineered a house
    케잌을 만들었다 = created a cake

나 = I
라면 = noodles
먹다 = eat
책 = a book
읽다 = read
콜라 = coke
마시다 = drink
보다 = see, watch
옷 = garments
입다 = wear
집 = house
짓다 = build
케잌 = a cake
만들다 = make

The usage distinction between 를 and 을 is that 를 is employed for nouns while not a final consonant, and 을 for nouns with a final consonant for the pronunciation's sake.

    사진을 찍었다 = took a photograph
    나무를 심었다 = planted a tree
    빵을 샀다 = bought some bread
    차를 팔았다 = sold  a automobile
    강을 건넜다 = crossed a stream
    다리를 지났다 = passed a bridge
    숙제를 했다 = did schoolwork

사진 = a photograph
찍다 = take (a photo)
나무 = a tree
심다 = plant (verb)
빵 = bread
사다 = buy
차 = a car
팔다 = sell
강 = a stream
건너다 = cross (verb, motion)
다리 = bridge
지나다 = pass (verb, motion)
숙제 = schoolwork
하다 = do


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