Mastering the Korean TOPIK


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lesson 6 - Time / Place Particle - 에

The Time/Place Particle, 에, is employed for any words associated with time and place.

The 에 particle phrase is sometimes placed at the start of a sentence once a topic.

샘 = Sam
한국 = Korea
가다 = go
준수 = Jun-su
5월 = May
오다 = come

샘은 한국에 갔다 = SAM visited peninsula [Sam, to Korea, went]
준수는 5월에 왔다 = Jun-su came in could [Jun-su, in May, came]

Note: 1월 is Gregorian calendar month, 2월 is February then on.


You can additionally create long sentences just like the following examples:

샘 은 작년 10월 가을에 한국에 갔다 = SAM visited peninsula last year in Gregorian calendar month throughout the fall season [Sam, last year, in October, in Autumn, to Korea, went]
준수는 2000년도 여름에 호주에 왔다 = Jun-su came to Australia in summer 2000. [Jun-su, in 2000, in summer, to Australia, came]

작년 = last year
10월 = Gregorian calendar month
가을 = fall
2000년도 = within the year 2000
여름 = summer
호주 = Australia

Note: 에 is employed for words each with or while not a final consonant.

학교에 = to highschool
병원에 = to hospital

Please note additionally that onceis employed as an area Particle, it's sometimes used with 'go' and 'come' to point an area to that you are going or returning, and 에 functions like 'to' in English. as an example, 공원에 = to a park, 영국에 = to United Kingdom and 공항에 = to the field.

When you wish to mention you probably did one thing at a specific place 'for a precise amount of your time,' 에서 is employed for that location or place. during this case, the perform of 에서 is analogous to "in, at or on" in English. as an example,

공원에서 놀았다 = compete (had fun) at the park [At the park, (we) compete (had fun)]
영국에서 지냈다 = stayed in {britain|United Kingdom|UK|Great United Kingdom|GB|Britain|United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland|kingdom} [In Britain, (I) stayed]
공항에서 기다렸다 = waited at the field [At the field, (we) waited]

공원 = a park
놀다 = play, have fun
영국 = United Kingdom
지내다 = stay
공항 = field
기다리다 = wait

However, within the case of 'was', you'll use 에 rather than 에서 for a few strange reason I don't apprehend. the subsequent 2 sentences mean precisely the same.

영국에서 있었다 = i used to be in United Kingdom
영국에 있었다 = i used to be in United Kingdom

But within the case of different verbs, 에 isn't allowed.

공원에 놀았다
영국에 지냈다
공항에 기다렸다

Here square measure a number of a lot of examples:

시골에 갔다 = visited a country
친구가 병원에 방문왔다 = a follower of mine came (to visit me) to hospital
집에 있었다 = was home
대학에서 강의를 들었다 = hear a lecture at the university
많은 사람들이 놀이 공원에 왔다 = lots of individuals came to the funfair
아침에 시리얼을 먹었다 = I Ate cereal within the morning [In the morning, I Ate cereal]
오후 a pair of시에 비가 내렸다 = It started descending at 2 o'clock within the afternoon [Lit. The rain fell]

시골 = country
가다 = go
친구 = a follower
병원 = a hospital
방문 = a visit
오다 = come
방문오다 = came to go to
집 = home, house
있다 = be
대학 = school, university
강의 = a lecture
듣다 = listen, hear
많다 = a lot, many
사람 = someone
사람들 = individuals (들 is hooked up to a noun to create it plural)
놀이 공원 = a topic park
아침 = morning
시리얼 = cereal
먹다 = eat
오후 = afternoon, pm
2시 = a pair of o'clock (1시 is one o'clock, seven시 is 7 o'clock then on)
비 = rain
내리다 = sink


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